Join us for an exciting workshop on creating your first Ethereum smart contract, presented in collaboration with our Partner, GFT Technologies.

This hands-on workshop will guide you through the entire process, from understanding the basics to deploying your very own smart contract. No previous experience with smart contracts is required, and all skill levels are welcome!

We will cover the following topics:

:page_with_curl: Introduction to Smart Contracts:
1.1 What is a smart contract?
1.2 Basic skills needed to work with smart contracts

:bulb: Development Environment:
2.1 Etherscan – explore the Ethereum blockchain
2.2 Web3 Access – interact with the blockchain
2.3 Metamask – manage Ethereum accounts and transactions
2.4 Truffle/Hardhat/Ganache – smart contract development tools
2.5 Remix IDE – an online IDE for smart contract development and deployment

:gear: Smart contract development and deployment:
3.1 EOA (Externally Owned Accounts) vs. Smart Contract Accounts
3.2 Create a simple smart contract
3.3 Implementing a proxy contract
3.4 Build a MultiSigWallet

:star: Expert speaker:
Waldemar Trawnicki
Deputy Head of Blockchain Practice at GFT

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how to create and deploy Ethereum smart contracts! Reserve your place today and start your journey to becoming a skilled blockchain developer.

:spiral_calendar_pad: 22 March 2023, 4-6 PM
:computer: Online workshop

The event is free, but registration is required.

The webinar will be held in English.